CAPS Greater Asbury Park Neptune Campus
K-12 Open House Enrollment Tour

Thursday, March 27th – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Come to our K-12 Open House Enrollment Tour
Join Us for an Open House Tour at our Neptune Campus!

Join us for an Open House at CAPS Neptune (3455 West Bangs Avenue, Neptune, NJ 07753) to explore our K-12 enrollment opportunities! Tour our classrooms and learn about our curriculum and programs. This is a great chance to see how CAPS can be the right fit for your scholar’s education!

¡Únase a nosotros para un recorrido de puertas abiertas en el campus Neptune K-12!

¡Únase a nosotros para una jornada de Open House en el Campus Neptune (3455 West Bangs Avenue, Neptune, NJ 07753) y descubra nuestras oportunidades de inscripción para grados K-12! Recorra nuestras aulas y aprenda sobre nuestro plan de estudios y programas. Es una excelente oportunidad para ver cómo South Campus puede ser el lugar ideal para la educación de su hijo/a.

    The CAPS Advantage:

  • Tuition-free education with extended learning time
  • Innovative and rigorous instruction
  • Academic and social-emotional supports
  • Experienced and dedicated teachers & staff
  • Afterschool clubs and tutoring for all students
  • A welcoming community where all students and families are our priority
Questions? Please feel free to call our Admissions Department at (732)774-0727 or email Patti or Brenda.
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